I thought I had done this one already, but no. So enjoy another one...(thanks
1. What is his name? Ryan Erastus Everett
2. Who eats more? Ryan, but I eat way more sweets than him.
3. Who said, "I love you" first? Ryan. I think I just said 'thank you.' It was awkward, but I didn't want to just say it back without meaning it. Yea, I know it's cruel but it took me awhile, alright?
4. Who is taller? Ryan
5. Who is smarter? I'm smarter in school, Ryan is just generally smarter overall though.
6. Who is more sensitive? Me. I cry a lot.
7. Who does the laundry? Me. Unless he really needs something washed, then he'll do a load.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me. Sometimes I try to steal his side, but he never let's me. So, I sleep there whenever he's gone :)
9. Who pays the bills? Me
10. Who cooks more? Me, but not lately. He usually always cooks the meat.
11. Who is more stubborn? Me
12. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? I'm not sure that either of us do...
13. Who has more siblings? Ryan- he has 6 bros and sisters and I have 3
14. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Me, though I try and encourage him to.
15. What do you like to do together? Watch movies, sleep, go out to eat.
16. Who eats more sweets? Who knew this was a question? See #2
17. Guilty Pleasures? Buying anything when we can't afford to.
18. How did you meet? At CEU. Spring semester he moved into the dorms where I lived. It was love at first sight for him. I thought he was very cute, but that he'd never like me. At first I thought he was a stuck-up jock. After some persistance on his part and really getting to know him he made me so happy and I realized he was everything I wanted. BUT, he had to fight for me because I was dating someone else...he he he
19. Who asked whom out first? Because he was a poor college student we didn't really go on dates. But our first real date was to the Valentine's dance.
20. Who kissed who first? Ryan kissed me. It was great. We were watching Peter Pan and my best friend was sleeping next to us.
21. Who proposed? Ryan did. Complete surprise! Although we had a date picked out he told me he wouldn't have the ring until the end of the month, but that Saturday at my house he started giving me bath and body works lotion..etc. that he bought, then he pulled the ring out as well and got down on one knee..
22. His best features and qualities? Too many to name, but I'll say funny, great memory, gorgeous, good at everything he does, generous, smart, forgiving, unpredictable, confident, creative, athletic, laid back, huggable, spiritually in-tune, loving, adventurous.
23. Tag you’re it. Let's do family. Erin, Melanie, Sylvia, Elle, Janelle. And anyone else!