Ryan's sister Alyssa is on CSI's volleyball team. On October 23rd they played our alma mater, CEU at Price. Of course, I couldn't miss an opportunity to go to Price. I haven't been back since college 3 1/2 years ago and I miss it! I drove down with Jess and Aaron and I'm sure they got sick of me talking about a simpler life at college. I wore my CEU shirt which didn't make Ryan's family very happy, but I justified it because their school colors are the same and they're both golden eagles. Close enough, right? Both teams played very well, but at the end CEU won. This was a big deal for them because, let's be honest, they're not very good. It was pretty awkward after that around the family and Alyssa and the team were pretty bummed, but all in all it's OK because last weekend Alyssa's team won the NJCAA National Championship! That is CSI's 9th National Championship! We're so proud of Alyssa and got to watch them win live online. What a great accomplishment!
What a hottie!
At the CEU game
Sorry about the red eyes. Sportin' CEU (taken with my phone)