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Friday, January 23, 2009


I have so much to blog about (with pictures) but Ryan's been gone with the computer every night so it's been put off.
First off, Ryan finally made the plunge and quit his job last week. We knew it would happen within the next few months, but him working there was delaying it ever happening. He'd been going under hours for a long time because he's been trying to do as much as possible with the business. He finally got in trouble for going under hours so he's had to make hours which means we never see each other and no time for the business. Long story short, we both felt it was the right time and decision so SEE YOU J.O.B! Since quitting we've been extremely blessed and have so much time together, more than we've ever had since we got married. It's so nice to come home to him every day and go to bed with him at night. He's been on appointments every night and we have some serious STUDS on our team. We're lovin' it! It's so fun to build this business together. Give us a few more months and I'll be able to quit the J.O.B as well.


Silvia and Steven said...

It's always hard not to have your hubbie home. I'm so glad that steven doesn't travel anymore even though it kinda came with a price to pay. Now I have him home all the time including when he comes home for lunch. I especially am thankful because I wouldn't be able to handle 2 kids by myself with his traveling. Enjoy it! And yay for both of you! :O)

Stephanie said...

Good news! Matt just quit his job recently too because the company he was working with starting getting really sketchy and we have been blessed as well. He is just taking a semester off to focus on school and then he'll be back. :) You'll have to keep us posted on how the business goes!

Luke and Mary said...

My brother recently... well not TOO recently, started a business with Primerica and it's brought him so much joy. He's had several ventures before but he's been most successful with this. He even has my other brother under him now and it's been so good for him too. I hope you both continue to have success!

toni said...

Yay. I guess this means Sundays will include RyRy? Congrats to both of you. I'm excited to see how much better life gets because of this venture. You both make a great team. I hope you enjoy working together. I'm waiting until June to get Evan back. Enjoy your time together for me, k?

SaRah G. said...

that's exciting tea! I had no idea what has been going on!! so is he going to focus on this full time? are you guys still going to try for the pilot thing? i'm so excited for you no matter what you do!! what a great adventure!! i can't wait to see what's in store for you guys!!


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