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Friday, December 28, 2007
Ryan and I have been living without heat for a couple weeks and on. My wonderful dad has come over 3 times to try different things. We bought a new thermostat to see if that would solve the problem, and it didn't. Finally, I called the heating company and they came this morning and fixed it. Our 'mother board' had gone kaplunk. More than $400 later, we have heat! We're so excited!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Have Musicals Gone Too Far?
I think so. I'm a huge show tunes fan. When Legally Blonde-the musical came out this year I thought it was crazy. Now I just heard the director of the new "Spider-Man the Musical" announce they want to open in New York. I guess there aren't enough Broadway houses, so they are looking into a tent, no joke. Does anyone else think Broadway has gone too far?
Friday, December 21, 2007
JibJab greeting
Just some fun with friends at Christmas time!
To see it, click here or copy and paste this url into your browser:
To see it, click here or copy and paste this url into your browser:
Colbert named celebrity of the year

Colbert beats out Rowling for AP’s celeb of 2007. We LOVE Steve Colbert. If you've never watched the Colbert Report, you are missing out.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas Concert
Here are some "backstage" pictures from the concert. Enjoy!

Closing night was so great. The first presidency gave the King Singers their geneologies as a "thank you." In return they dedicated"danny boy" to President Hinckley. When the choir sang "God be With You Till we Meet Again," it brought tears to my eyes. The spirit was so strong. What a neat experience it has been. I danced for the prophet. Read for more details of the concert.
Monday, December 17, 2007
A-Z Tag
Tagged! Here's some fun, A-Z:
Attached or Single: Attached.
Best Friend: Sydney
Cake or Pie: Cake
Day of Choice: Saturday
Essential Item: shoes
Favorite Color: Blue
Gummi Bears or Worms: bears
Hometown: South Jordan, Ut
Indulgences: Any form of candy and cold cereal.
January or July: July. I hate winter.
Kids: 2 cats
Life is Incomplete without: My husband, Ryan.
Marriage Date: September 9, 2006
Number of Siblings: 2 sisters and 1 brother
Oranges or Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Phobias or Fears: An intruder in my house
Quotes: ???
Reason to Smile: You are alive and healthy!
Season: Summer.
Tag 3: Sue, Chelsey T., Sara S.
Unknown Fact: I hate meat.
V word that describes you: Victorious!?
Worst Habit: Sleeping in/snoozing.
X-Rays or Ultrasound: I've never had an ultrasound, so x-rays
Your Favorite Food: Mexican.
Zodiac: Aries
Attached or Single: Attached.
Best Friend: Sydney
Cake or Pie: Cake
Day of Choice: Saturday
Essential Item: shoes
Favorite Color: Blue
Gummi Bears or Worms: bears
Hometown: South Jordan, Ut
Indulgences: Any form of candy and cold cereal.
January or July: July. I hate winter.
Kids: 2 cats
Life is Incomplete without: My husband, Ryan.
Marriage Date: September 9, 2006
Number of Siblings: 2 sisters and 1 brother
Oranges or Apples: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Phobias or Fears: An intruder in my house
Quotes: ???
Reason to Smile: You are alive and healthy!
Season: Summer.
Tag 3: Sue, Chelsey T., Sara S.
Unknown Fact: I hate meat.
V word that describes you: Victorious!?
Worst Habit: Sleeping in/snoozing.
X-Rays or Ultrasound: I've never had an ultrasound, so x-rays
Your Favorite Food: Mexican.
Zodiac: Aries
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert

This week is going to be very hectic for me. I haven't danced in more than two years, and I have four performances this week. Ahh! I will spend the next five nights at the Conference Center, spending a total of about 30 hours. It's been a crazy last couple of months preparing, and only recently did I start to enjoy myself. We got to see the first group practice on Saturday and it almost made me cry. The music combined with the choir voices and movement is beautiful. It's been neat to see all that goes into this huge production. I hope all of you can come see it.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Snow Christmas Party
The annual Snow Family (Ryan's grandma's family) Christmas party was upon us. We didn't get a chance to go last year, so we were excited to go this year. The dinner was great and it was very nice to meet new relatives. The white elephant exchange was fun, besides the fact that every one kept stealing Ryan's gifts. We thought we were stuck with that green hat until someone snatched it.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Lava Lava
Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Bye Michael!

My favorite night talkshow The Nightside Project, which I've blogged about in the past, has had some pretty dramatic changes as of late, namely the host, Michael Castner is gone! Yea, that's right. I was on their website last week and saw this post (the future of nightside). You must understand that Michael brought this time spot from spot 24 to spot 1 in less than a year. I tried listening the other night and can't stand it now! It's just not the same without dear old MC. To be honest, I'm very upset with KSL and think they made a bad move. Go here to his site for more info. City Weekly also did an article about it that's quite interesting. Apparently, it was for budget reasons (they couldn't afford him) but there are suggestions that some people didn't get along...despite the reasons, he's still around! He's starting his own radio show tonight, via podcast from his site, so tune in!
Friday, November 16, 2007

I had the great opportunity last night of going up 8000 feet with Ryan. He had his first night lesson and it was amazing! The sky was beautiful and he did such a great job with all his manuevers and landings. He flew down to Provo and back it was about a two hour flight. I'm so proud of him. He's doing great. Here's a picture of his plane and what it looked like!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Veteran's Day
Saturday, November 10, 2007
New Phone
My cell phone broke a few weeks ago, it just died. The Verizon people said that it could not be fixed. After a few days I gave in and got another phone. It's nice, but I missed out on my $100 off because my contract was just 3 months shy of renewal. Aw well. It seems I always have bad luck with cell phones. I lost all my contacts, so if you'd like to give me your phone number, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I'm on blogger backlog here. Here's a bunch of stuff we did last month:

Halloween Costume Contest at work. Can you find me?

My pumpkin

We left before getting a good picture of this. It's the red sox, need I say more?

Ryan did this one for my dad.

Here's my Halloween appropriate.

Ryan's sister and the Box Elder Bees took 3rd in state for Volleyball. Good job Alyssa!

In St. George

We went to St. George for my grandpa's 80th birthday!

Ryan and his sister's.

For Ryan's dad
Halloween Costume Contest at work. Can you find me?

My pumpkin

We left before getting a good picture of this. It's the red sox, need I say more?

Ryan did this one for my dad.

Here's my Halloween appropriate.

Ryan's sister and the Box Elder Bees took 3rd in state for Volleyball. Good job Alyssa!

In St. George

We went to St. George for my grandpa's 80th birthday!

Ryan and his sister's.

For Ryan's dad
Friday, November 2, 2007
Piano Recital
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Another Farewell
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Harry Potter The End
Across the course of 3 weeks, I have successfuly finished book 7 of Harry Potter. I have listened to it while lying in bed, cleaning the house, and while in the car. I finished last night. I was a little disappointed with the book in general. Usually, it's so interesting that I cannot put it down, but I didn't feel this way about the final book. The last couple chapters were wonderful and I loved the ending. How did you like it?
Friday, October 26, 2007
When I was younger I chipped my front bottom tooth. I had it fixed, but lately I felt like it was loose. We had a dentist appointment Wednesday, and sure enough, they said the filling was being held on by my bottom retainer. Next week when I go back in they'll hopefully be able to fix it without having to take my retainer off. The good news is, we didn't have any cavities, thank goodness!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
United Nations Day
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square Christmas Concert

A little over a month ago I auditioned for the annual Christmas Concert featuring the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I heard about it in the Church News and thought, why not?! I haven't danced for over a year and thought I'd rekindle my talent. I made it and have been rehearsing weekly since. The concert will be Thursday through Saturday December 13-15. The concerts are free but tickets are required. Tickets will be distributed randomly because there has been such a demand in the past years. Registration can be done anytime between now through Sunday, November 11, 2007, at 11:59 p.m. at the following link.
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Haunted Forest
Last weekend Ryan and I got invited to go to a haunted house with some friends. I really enjoy going, but I scare very easily. Everyone in our group caught on to that fast and therefore kept trying to get the workers to scare worked. Ryan and I were in the back of the group, so we got a little jipped because we knew ahead of time when something was going to happen. I felt bad for the girls in the front of the group. All in all it was worth the money and got me in the mood for Halloween. If you are looking for a good Haunted House this season, try the Haunted Forest.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Uppercase Living

My sister hosted an Uppercase Living party last weekend. For those of you who've never heard of it, here's a link. They are stickers that you put on your wall, and you can get something for every room in your house if you wanted to. It was so fun and I couldn't help buying something. I won a door prize and ordered way too much. I can't wait till they come in next week!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Halloween Bloggers!
Do you like our new "Halloween Edition" blog? I found this cool site that let's me do exactly what I've been trying to do with our blog since the beginning. Yipee!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
My three seconds of FAME!!!
Listen to the report and you will get the story. It's a little long to tell here. I am the one carrying the dog into the freight counter where the family was picking it's not as much camera time as I was hoping...but HERO'S never get the credit they deserve! Just kidding...I was just glad to help get Rocky back home safe!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sticky Note works of art
Check out this fun blog that I found. Funny, wierd and interesting news around the world. Some of them look pretty cool. A new form of art...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Deathly Hallows

My long awaited Harry Potter book (the last one!!!!) has come into my arms. I reserved the book on CD because, at the time, I still had my old job where that's all i did all day. I'm a little regretful now, because:
1. I no longer work at a place where I can listen to books on CD all day long.
2. The cd player in my car doesn't work, so I have to listen to it just lying by the cd player in the living room.
3. I may get no sleep for the next night...or two.
4. I may not have time to do anything important.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Mom's 50th part 2
You've been hearing from me about my mom's birthday. Here is the last part of it:

We made dinner for my mom and the fam and had a nice visit Sunday night. My sisters and I planned a little program. I listed things throughout history that have happened on my mom's birthday. Toni listed things that are older than mom. Tara told my mom about things other people have done by the time they were 50. It was a good time, and we finished the night off with 2 games of Bonko.

We made dinner for my mom and the fam and had a nice visit Sunday night. My sisters and I planned a little program. I listed things throughout history that have happened on my mom's birthday. Toni listed things that are older than mom. Tara told my mom about things other people have done by the time they were 50. It was a good time, and we finished the night off with 2 games of Bonko.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Relief Society Broadcast
My mom got the opportunity to be in the choir for the General Relief Society Broadcast. They asked a handful of people from each ward in South Jordan to participate. She had a great experience, and got spoken to by the Relief Society Presidency. All the stakes in South Jordan were "supposed" to go. My parents ward didn't even broadcast it at the Stake Center this year. My mom got tickets for us to go. It was so wonderful! I hope you had a chance to watch.

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